Thursday, September 19, 2013

I've decided my course will be Gender and Politics, though I'm not entirely sure how I should write a description for it that would appeal to students.  Although this is not exactly within my field of research, I was told that it is a good course to attract people (I'm hoping to gather people from Anthropology and Sociology and Women's Studies) and it is a good course to have in my teaching portfolio because it is a class most universities will have or will want.

I just...don't know how to go about it, really.

I guess I don't need to come up with exactly what we will be doing, since I haven't read things yet.  I do now need to dive into a new field of literature, which should be fun.  I always have liked learning about this stuff, even if I can't imagine me writing a paper or anything on it.  Then again, who knows?  Maybe I will one day after exposing myself to this topic.  We'll see.

I really didn't want to get up today and do things.  I really didn't.  I really don't want to be in the office right now.  Luckily, I have my appointment with health services for my medication today, so hopefully once that is over I'll have that and maybe I won't think about bad things as much and I'll be able to get up and do shit without feeling like I'm expending so much goddamn effort.

And I'm back into a "thinking too much about a particular something/someone" mode and bah.  Despite my not caring/emotionless state lately, I don't like my mind constantly reminding me of that topic and all.  Maybe I'll write about it later just to expel some thoughts and all.

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