Sunday, September 22, 2013

My pup is so weird.  And for that reason, I love her even more.

I love how whenever I'm rubbing her belly she has one arm extended into the air and the other one is almost limp; we call this pose "Le Tigre."  And then when I stop petting her she looks at me as if wondering why I decided to stop.  She likes to army crawl across the floor sometimes and hide in the crevice between the couch sections.  She uses her paws like hands sometimes, and it is fascinating for me to watch.  She punches me in the face when we are having staring contests at times, and then I respond by putting my hand on her face as well.

She sometimes thinks she is a lap dog, and likes to sit on me when I invite her onto my bed or the couch with me.

Although it is hard work with her sometimes, since she seems to be in sassy adolescence, I love her so much.

Not feeling as terrible today, emotionally, which is a good thing.  I did find myself just...thinking about a specific week when I was in London and missing the city and him and how we used to be and how I was so blissfully unaware of the future during that time.  Really...I do miss the happiness and love I felt during that time.  Despite my getting sick and the fact that we didn't really do too was so wonderful to me.  I'm sure I'm the only one who misses things like that.

I have no idea why I was thinking about that when I woke up this morning.  Maybe I had a dream about it that I don't remember and it was kind of...the aftermath.  

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