Thursday, September 5, 2013

I've spent the entire morning cleaning in preparation of my parents coming, and I think I am finally done for now.  I'll probably find something else that I should have done is good for now, I guess.  I hope, aha.  I am very excited to see them.  They're bringing up the bridesmaid dress too, which has been tailored and everything, so I get to try that and make sure it fits and all.  Can't believe the wedding is less than a month away.

Really, I'm most excited to see Anisha, which I know makes me a terrible sister and even more terrible maid of honour but.  I can't help it.

Still thinking about things, and I asked one of the roommates about something in particular.  About whether or not I was being unfair about being angry over the short period of time it took him to be able to do things again.  I was told that I'm not, and that sort of...validated my feelings, I suppose.  I know I should not need someone else to validate me, but sometimes it helps when I start thinking that maybe I'm in the wrong for feeling a certain way.

I dunno.  Maybe a few days with my parents will help me not really think about stuff as much.  But I know I'm being super optimistic when I say that.

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