Friday, September 6, 2013

Wine, Wings, and Ice Cream

I took my parents (and Callie) up by Cayuga Lake to some of the wineries and everything, and it was a really nice day and it was a lot of fun and make me feel really happy, which is such a rarity these days (not to sound...emo, I guess, aha).  Plus the lake was beautiful to drive by and the water was just so pretty and ahhh.

First we stopped at a wine/distillery, where they did a wine tasting and I tasted some spirits.  I really am...out of practice?  As in, I really couldn't hold it well.  I could feel my stomach churning after just those few tastings; alcohol and I don't really get along that much anymore.  But my parents liked three of the wines so much that they bought a bottle of each, which was awesome!  And the staff there was so nice and Callie was really good and it was really pretty out there.

We then hit up another winery about a half hour away, but didn't actually do any tasting there.  We just had lunch/dinner there and enjoyed the scenery and stuff.  Though the two dogs there that act as greeters and stuff for people were not very nice to Callie and that kind of concerned me.  Really, one in particular looked like she wanted to bite her whenever she came over and that was really annoying, since the place says it is pet-friendly and all.  But luckily, nothing happened.

After, despite being full, we hit up an ice cream shop which made its own ice cream and oh god it was so very very good.  I got cookies and cream and my parents shared a brownie sundae and Callie got a doggie sundae and we were all fat and happy.  It was so good.

Then, since it was nearing five and most places seemed to close around then, we just decided to come back.  So we only got to hit three places, but it was so nice and it was a gorgeous day and it just made me feel happy and calm and that doesn't happen so easily anymore.

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