Tuesday, September 24, 2013

You know, it really sucks to have no ex-related dreams for some time, and then I have two in a row almost randomly.  What gives? 

Although this dream was more indirectly about the ex, since I don't remember him being in it.  No, the person who was in this dream with me was the girl he had most recently been with.  She kept following me around, and started doing things that I was doing, and I did not understand why.  I started jumping down flights of stairs and just doing general weird things (I'm pretty sure the setting was an empty cruise ship), and every time I would look back, she would be mimicking me.  

It started to get annoying and creepy, so I kept trying to run, but she kept following me and doing everything I did.  She was my shadow, only a few seconds behind me.  

I didn't understand it, and I just wanted her to go away.  But no matter where I went, she was there after me.  
At one point, I do think I tried stopping so I could yell at her, but I don't remember what the aftermath of that was. 

After feeling so alive for a little bit last night, it sucks to have to return to this feeling of not wanting to get out of bed or do anything ever.  

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