Saturday, September 7, 2013

My parents just left.  Originally I was going to go with them to Albany to see my sister but I couldn't remember if I asked roommate to watch Callie for the few hours I was gone, and he very unexpectedly brought his girlfriend over (seriously, what drives me crazy is that he never fucking says when she is coming over and I hate that all the time).  So I didn't want to ask him and then he needs to pay attention to Callie all day if he would rather be doing things with her and whatnot.  I don't mind staying home and stuff, but I really do wish he would warn me when she is coming over, seriously.  Especially since I'm not her biggest fan.  It would be great for mental preparation and all that.

But my parents leaving made sad feels come back.  I guess they were just temporarily blocking them out; they are able to do that really well.  Or maybe I just feel lonely again?  I'm not sure, truthfully.  I just didn't want them to leave.  I was told maybe I should run down to Dee's with the pup for Montgomery Day, but I have this weird feeling that I'm supposed to do something that I have not done yet.  I think...I haven't made a lesson plan for my discussion sections this week so I might want to do that.  I can run into the office and read the intro chapters and all and then come up with something to do.  

I was also thinking about trying to write some form of response for the pirate book, since I don't know when I will find another thing I really like in that class until we hit the weeks about Congress.  But I have no idea what to write and I don't really know if I am feeling...inspired enough to try and write something.  Because I am in no mood to sit here all day trying to cram out something that is just going to suck in the end if I don't really have to. 

Both my parents remarked on how they really hope that this year is less crazed and stressful than last year.  I hope so too.  I really do.  

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