Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I'm really tired for some reason.  I was going to take Callie to the park but I feel like I'm about to fall asleep, so I am probably just going to stay at home and everything.  I have work I should do anyway, even though I have zero motivation to do it.

Still haven't come up with the possible class to teach for the winter.  I feel like I should be freaking out over this because it was such short notice, but...I'm not?  I know I said I was before, but that was when I first got the news.  Now, well...I don't feel much of anything today, but that's not really all that surprising to me, since it is just a continuation of the overall emotionless-ness that I've been experiencing for a few days now.  I mean...I guess I'm stressing about it as much as I can stress about something right now, which just serves to make me want to work even less.

Really, I should probably nap.  But knowing me, I will end up napping for like...three or four hours instead of just one or less than one, and then I'll be all groggy and won't be able to sleep later on when I need to.  Since all I ever really like to do is sleep.  But...gone are the days where I would sleep 15 hours.  Those that wasn't very good either.

I just have a plethora of terrible life habits.

Roommates are at a human rights conference today until Sunday, so I pretty much have the place to myself.  Not that it makes much of a difference.  I don't really hang out with anyone else, and I have a reaction paper for Congress for next week.  I could ask if former-guy would want to hang out, maybe, but I don't know who else.

Knowing me, I'll just chill by myself with Callie.

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