Saturday, September 21, 2013

I'm being unusually lenient with my grading right now.  I don't really know why; maybe I'm just in a mode where I don't really care all that much, and when an answer to this question seems good is for the time being.

There was a Legend of Korra marathon on today so instead of getting a lot of work done, I...kind of watched that instead.  Korra is so much more interesting than everything I have to read.

I haven't really done anything today besides watch Korra and do work, and I'm really okay with that.  I did take Callie to the park earlier today, but that was it.  I did actually eat today today, even though I kind of...didn't want to, and it took way too much effort for me to get up and actually make something.

...I feel like I had more to say.  Maybe later.  I'm distracted right now.

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