Thursday, September 12, 2013


So part of my assignment for my research project this week is to find out the exact number of judges who are elected vs. appointed, and my god this is so tedious and kind of annoying, but I understand why it is valuable information to have.  But I keep getting different numbers for Alabama alone, so this might take longer than I originally thought.  Getting the numbers for the Supreme Courts and Courts of Appeals/equivalent of each state isn't difficult.  It is one I get into the trial courts.  Those are annoying because there are so many and no place just has a number listed and it is obnoxious to try and find.  For the amount of Circuit Court judges in Alabama along I have three different numbers, and so I might need to manually go to each circuit's website and count like that.  But if I need to do that for every trial court for every state, this is going to take a fucking long time, and I don't know how much of that I can really sacrifice.  Though I suppose it must be done.

I just don't want to though, wahhh.

Almost done with my readings for IR next week, so I want to get started on my Congress readings.  I feel like because I have the extra research stuff I did not really have last year, I need to stay as far ahead of the game on the readings as I possibly can.  Or at least in theory.  I know in practice there are shows to be watched and internets to explore.  All that jazz.

Maybe this weekend I'll actually go to that dojo and sign up for kickboxing.  Maybe.  We'll see.

Got my appointment for the psych evaluation for next week.  Really, I just want to get my meds and get out of there as soon as I possibly could.

Would it be weird if I bummed on UC's campus the night after the Streetlight concert, even though the one person I really know who is left won't be there?  Aha I know it would be really weird, but I'm not sure if I feel like driving back to Binghamton at what probably will be around midnight from Philadelphia and I also don't think I'm willing to pay for a hotel.

Speaking of UC, got an email about homecoming and wow it is really close.

I'm wondering if I didn't say something I should have or said something I should not have.  Or more...if anything I said is really...difficult, if that is the right word.  I've been thinking if I should say something else/more/etc.  I don't know.

Fire alarm went off.  Damn.

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