Saturday, September 28, 2013


So I ended up not updating as much as I thought I was going to during the wedding reception and stuff, but that is okay.

It was really nice.  Of course, because I'm me and I ruin all serious moments, I once again did not walk down the isle like a normal person; it was such a long walk and so I ended up shouting (Anisha told me that before I was even by the seats she could hear voice can travel), and I couldn't figure out the right pace.  At one point I started lunging because my uncle yelled at me to slow down.

The ceremony was really pretty, and Steph went down to a really pretty version of the FFIV theme, and they walked out to Star Wars, which was awesome.  We did a few photo shots with lightsabres and it was just really fun.

The reception was also fun; the tables were named after different places from different fandoms; I was sitting at Hogwarts, Steph and Andrew were at the Citadel, and there was also Ferelden, Skyrim, Tristrim, Winterfell, Aperture Laboratories, and more.  It was clever!

Also our speech was awesome; we prepped it the night before, and we said to the opening Star Wars themes, outlining their relationships in different episodes.  People really really enjoyed it.

Two guys danced with me; one of the groomsmen dipped me, aha.  It was fun.  But lots of dancing happened and I was with Anisha, who really liked the gifts I got for her!  The only bad thing is that I had to lose her at 4 in the morning: she was heading down to Texas, and her plane left at 6 in the morning.  So I needed to drive her really early and stuff.  The reason why I might get to in another entry, because it is sad, but it made me think about stuff.

I arrived back home around 1:15 today, and since Callie was home by herself since 6 in the morning, I took her immediately to the doggie park for about an hour and a half.  She had a good time.

I know I'm being skimpy on the details, but the wedding was lots of fun.  I wafted back and forth between being happy and being bitter for reasons, but overall I had a good time.  Steph was really pretty, and I just had a fun time dancing and whatnot.

Didn't take pictures, so I'm waiting for the professional photos to come up.

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