Monday, September 30, 2013

So we had volleyball again tonight and we actually won, which is really kind of exciting.  Again, that rush I felt last week returned to me, so I'm really happy, actually, that we are playing again tomorrow.  Really, I think sports are necessary for me to feel something other than the depression that usually characterizes my mood.  And the rush from winning and being actually was kind of awesome.

What wasn't awesome is that I think Cornelius has finally bit the dust.  When I tried to turn him on, he started like...screeching and everything.  I might try to turn him on again tomorrow, but I think he is dead, sadly.  I was really hoping that he would last until after I came back from Philly, but I don't think it would be smart of me to take him down there.  But, I'm not not going to the Streetlight concert.  Since I haven't been looking for cars and I really do not want to try and buy one in one day, I think I'm just going to rent a car for a day and then over the weekend or something I can actually start looking for new cars.

I am sad, though.  I don't want to get rid of Cornelius.  Sadface.

But I am still planning on going to the Streetlight concert.

Also here is a picture of me and Anisha from wedding; the professional photos are not up yet.  This is one that my mom took.

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