Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Today has been a long day, so I think I'll sleep well later.

I've hit that point where I don't really care about much again.  The last few days have been a whirlwind of apathy and discouragement and a lack of feeling much other than those things.  I've been trying to do work and don't really care about what I'm writing or reading, which isn't very good when I need to analyze things efficiently and all.

And despite being confused about something he said, I don't even care about getting any sort of explanation, because I know if one happens it will probably be a qualification of what was said and what is being said now despite those two things seeming contradictory.  Things don't make sense, and I guess I'm so used to that with him also.

I mean, I say I don't care, but I know that it is just that I've cared too much that feelings have kind of imploded and so I feel like I don't care about much of anything.  I'm sure the over-caring will come back, but right now...yeah.

I want to play video games.

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