Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I found my keys earlier; they were indeed hiding in my couch, so that was relieving to say the very least.

Took a nap when I got home, though now I have a headache and everything because of it, so I partially regret it.  And now I really don't want to do any sort of work, though I finally met with my professor about my judicial elections memo.  He wants me to add a few more things and rearrange some chart that I did and hopefully then we can send it out.  Since it is so important to getting the next bout of funding, it needs to be pretty much perfect.

Lots of pressure, yeah.

I should try and read something at the very least, for now.  Maybe my headache and my lack of motivation will go away in a bit.

Went to health services, and gave them all my paperwork.  It was kind of shitty to fill out what I filled out, since it was a whole lot of...admitting things, but I guess it is better for me to write it down than it is for me to actually say it in person, because I have trouble admitting to people (even to Nancy, really) unless it is in writing.  And even then...

I don't know.

It is hard admitting that nothing in the future seems...desirable.  Or exciting.  Or bright.


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