Monday, September 30, 2013


So I have a huge love for the Ty beanie baby bears.  Like...getting one for me is a totally legit and awesome gift and I kind of get really excited about them.  And not for any "I think they'll be worth some small fortune" kind of way.  For me, getting them was never for that.  I just really enjoy them!  I only have four with me right now (well, five including the one I just bought); the rest are back at my parent's house on the Island.  I kind of want to grab them, actually.

Thus, when I randomly spot a Halloween one (placed in a spot where it probably didn't belong...I'm good at finding them that way, apparently) that I haven't seen while at the Christmas Tree Shop with my family, I of course grab it.

He's so cute!  His name is Frankenteddy, apparently.  And he is awesome. 

I didn't get all of my work done because I had no energy, really.  And I don't really care all that much.  I really just can't wait for the Streetlight concert on Wednesday.  

There were feels-related things I kind of wanted to discuss but I'm too tired to right now so maybe tomorrow at some point. 


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