Sunday, September 15, 2013

Ugh this final season of Dexter has really kind of sucked and I am praying that somehow the last episode saves it.  It has just been incredibly painful to watch and I kind of hate what the writers have done.  Even in this last episode, there were so many stupid things that anyone with half a fucking mind wouldn't have done and I just.  Ugh.  It makes me upset because this is one of my favourite shows and this season has just been terrible after the return of Hannah.

I won't go into details simply because of spoilers, but my fucking god it really isn't good.

Thinking about a reunion has me all discombobulated.  I keep imagining different scenarios inside my head and I know I should not be because that doesn't really do anything other than drive me crazy, but at the same time I can't help it.  These scenes just pop up in my head at random points and I don't know how to get rid of them.

This weekend has been really uneventful, honestly.  I wanted to write more about stuff but I'm not sure where to go.  I keep wanting to write more about him and my thoughts on what has been going on but...I don't even know what to do there.  I'm at a point where my mind is kind of blank other than the things that I've been saying, which kind of happen every day and aren't really that special.  I don't know what to make of all this.  It is that empty feeling, really.  Like...nothing matters.

I'm not particularly sad right now, but I'm also not happy.  It is just...nothing.  No sort of real emotion.

[Edit] - This song makes me sad, because...I dunno.  It brings back feels.

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