Saturday, September 7, 2013

I couldn't get into my office before because for some reason the whole building was closed and locked and it makes no sense why and it was really annoying.  I have books in there that I need in order to build the lesson plan for the undergrads and everything.  So, since I couldn't get in there, I couldn't actually do the lesson plan.  Instead I've been vegging and just watching movies all day so far.  Did take Callie over to the doggie park too, but other than that I haven't really moved from my bed.  Which I'm okay with, really.

Still feeling a bit sad, and I feel as though I should have either gone down to Brooklyn to see Danny or gone to Middletown to see Dee and hang out with cousins and stuff.  But before, when I had the chance to go, I didn't really want to.  And I thought I would be able to get some work done, not knowing at the time that my building was locked.

I keep thinking about different scenarios and how I would handle them.  I'm not sure why.  In my imagination, I never really do the same thing twice.

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