Monday, September 9, 2013

Class today went a lot better than the first session two weeks ago.  The second years kind of took over the conversation at points, and the third years didn't seem as...arrogant as the first class.

I'm still not feeling very well, but I'm a lot better than yesterday and the day before, so that is good at least.  I unfortunately was unable to talk to my professor (the one I'm on the research project with) today.  Really, I need to see him as soon as possible, so I can get feedback on that memo and see if I need to redo it.  I think if he wanted me to rewrite it again, I could do so easier since I'm feeling a bit better and everything.  I'd rather not have to redo it yet again, but if I have to, I have to.

Also I'm taking Callie to the vet later today, since her skin seems to have broken out in these scabs and she keeps chewing at her tail (I actually bandaged it around the area) and her shedding is a little too much for what I think it should be.  I'm hoping that it isn't really much; maybe just allergies or something.  I'm hoping it is not any sort of flea problem, especially since I haven't seen anything and I have treated her, so if there is that means that the stuff I bought isn't very good.

I'm really hoping it isn't anything really bad and that it can be treated really easily.  Please let me have some luck for once.

Need to come up with my lesson plan for this week.  Should probably get on that.

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