Thursday, September 19, 2013

So I got the meds that I wanted, though I am a little meh about having to restart at 50 mg instead of just jumping up to 100, which is pretty much what I was at when I stopped.

At first I was a bit tense with the doctor, because doctors make me nervous, but he was really nice and I opened up about things more as we kept talking.  I think he realized I was tense and anxious and all.  When I told him how I was especially during the few months right after my breakup, he remarked that it sounded like I was profoundly depressed and that I'm still recovering/in that sort of deal.  Makes sense, considering what I think about everyday and what I do...which is pretty much go to school, come home, do my work, and go to bed.  And then get up and repeat.

I was asked about why I don't follow through on fantasies, and why I didn't during that time, when it was pretty much all I would think about when I was going to and from work, and I cited my parents.  I just...didn't and don't want to make them sad.

I told the stories of my athletic past and I was encouraged to find something - specifically aerobic - to get into again.  Really, I've already been saying that I want to do kickboxing or something like is just a matter of going somewhere and signing up.

Really tired for some reason...

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