Wednesday, September 18, 2013


So the graduate director of my department just kind of hit me with something: she invited me to come up with a course to teach for the winter session.  Which is flattering and all; it means that despite me not saying anything about teaching over the break, I was thought about and everything.

The only thing that is kind of annoying: I need to come up with a class that would be interesting to teach and would be interesting for the undergrads to take by tomorrow.  So instead of telling me this maybe...I dunno, last week or something, or even three days ago, I was told today.

The first thought in my mind was to teach something on judicial elections, because I have just went through a whole bunch of literature about that, but I know that no one is going to actually want to take something like that.  Then I was thinking something more like Gender and Politics, but I know none of that literature because - although I am interested in it - it is outside the scope of my research interests.  I could teach something in Congress or something about the Constitution, but I just have no idea what I should go for.  Maybe I can do something on the U.K.

But again, although this is all something that I am interested in, I'm really not sure what undergrads would be interested in taking.

fhsjdkfldsj Kind of freaking out.  What the hell should I teach, seriously.

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