Wednesday, April 10, 2013

"You're sweet.  You're nice.  You're utterly adorable when you're scared of opening up emotionally and you turn your head away."

I.  I am really touched, honestly.  This guy and I have been texting every day and he's just been so sweet to me and everything.

And he noticed like...immediately that I have issues with finding self-worth and has already said that he wants to help me realize that I'm someone to be valued.

It is...really nice.

He's really awesome.

[Edit] - Nope, a small physical reaction upon having that stupid picture shoved in my face will not make me sad!  And I'm not just saying that, actually.  Which is awesome.  (Also, you're both annoying little hipster-wannabe shits, so...that helps. :P )

Also maybe these boots.  I'm still debating on which I want.  Those look badass.  A little too tall, maybe?  I don't know.  Also hot topic.

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