Saturday, April 27, 2013


Welp.  It is facebook official.


I fucking hate you.

More than I ever thought that I could.

You are a lying piece of shit.  How dare you tell me that I was your favourite and that it would take you so fucking long to be in another relationship and I just can't believe you and I wonder where the fucking person I loved ran off to because you are not him and you never were him and I can't stand thinking about you and I don't want to anymore.

Because you never deserved my love.  You never deserved my trust.  Fuck, you don't even deserve my hatred.

You don't deserve to know who I fucking am.

You don't deserve to have things that I gave to you (/things you fucking stole from me, you lying piece of shit).

You deserve nothing.

For what you did, you deserve unhappiness and loneliness.

You played with me, and I only supported you.

Why the fuck am I unhappy and hung up on you, and you threw me away like some fucking piece of trash who meant absolutely nothing before you moved on within like a fucking week.


I can't fucking stand the fact that you even exist right now.  You are a horrible human being and a shitty person and I just wish there was some part of me was okay with seeing you just so I could punch you in the fucking face.

I'm going to the arcade.  I need to blow off steam and not think about things.

Guess who isn't going to eat tonight probably?  That's right, this girl.

Fuck I'm shaking because of how fucking angry and upset I am.


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