Monday, April 15, 2013

Park (Pics ahead)

Carl, Brendan and I went to the park that my counselor told me about, and it was way too much fun.  I forgot how much I love climbing trees and being outdoors and just having a good time.  I've been cooped up inside so much that I completely forgot how nice weather and some time outside with friends and just acting like children could be great for my mood.

First we went for a walk through the woods, climbing trees and just acting silly:

This was before I actually figured out the best way to climb this particular tree.  

TREES.  CLIMBING TREES.  I want to climb more and climb higher and everything!  I love doing this way too much. 

The rest of the pics are on facebook, but we also swung and just acted like children and it was perfect.  We want to go back and play on the playground (specifically the floor is lava); we would have done it then but...there were lots of kids around and we didn't want to seem like creepers, aha.  So we figure one day we'll go back later at night and play!  Also we want to take the department and go play manhunt, because manhunt is fun as hell and in that park it would be amazing.  It'll be awesome. 

Also, my jacket came today and it looks so awesome and is so comfy and I'm so pleased with it and it was such a good purchase. 

Now I just need my combat boots also.  Aw yeah.  So excite. 

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