Friday, April 19, 2013

More Dreams

I had an incredibly awful dream last night.  Again, it was ex-related.

Basically, there was some formal thing that my undergrad was doing this weekend, and so, thinking that he wouldn't be there a third weekend in a row, I decided to go down.  And then there were shifts that you could go to this place in, since we were taking buses.  I ended up going on one of the last ones, thinking again that it would be best, because I was trying to minimize my chances of seeing him and his new person.

However, when I got there, who was the first person I ended up seeing?  That's right.  Him.  (I also remember him and her not wearing formal-wear, really, so I was like "how the fuck did you even get in what the hell.")  He saw me and we kind of had a stare-down for a little, before I tried my best to ignore him.

But I really couldn't ignore him, and I eventually found myself going up to him and screaming.  Telling him how awful he was and is and how much I hated him and how he owed me so many things.  The worst was his reaction, actually.

He didn't care.

He did not care whatsoever about how upset I was.  He did not care about my feelings, or anything.  He kind of laughed at me here and there, which is what prompted me to smack him repeatedly in the mouth.  And he didn't even do anything to that.  Then punches to the stomach started accompanying those.  I kept reminding him that so many things he owned, I gave to him.  I eventually hit him so much that I caused something internal to happen and he had to be taken to the hospital.  And then I was freaking out and wishing I could have stopped because all I could think about what the fact that he had grounds to sue me and he was definitely going to and all.

And his new person was not much better.  She laughed at me, despite my warnings to her about him, and then I remember a physical confrontation happening with her too.  Funny thing is that I remember when he was actually hurt, she wasn't, but then started acting like she was because people were paying attention to him rather than her.

I remember saying that I wish this was a dream because I couldn't believe what was happening.  I was so upset and hurt, and then me getting physical made things even worse.

Gah, I'm not in a very good mood now that I woke up to this.

Luckily, I got a refill on my meds yesterday.

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