Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Studying with Dewott

I know I put this up on my facebook but I don't care I want it in here too because I had fun with it aha and now I can add captions and shit:

He's the studious one.  I just wanted to lay down on dat couch man.  Dat couch be comf. 

But then...the staredown.  I could feel his disappointment.  "You need to read this," he says.  But in pokemon language.  So it just comes out as "Dewott, Dewott," but I get it.   

So I cave.  And get that shit done.  Thanks for the motivation, Dewott!  And it is much better studying with a pokemon by your side, seriously. 

More of these silly things might be in the future (I do have a honey badger plush too so he might have to get featured at some point).  It actually made me feel really happy and silly.  I'm a child and I'm totally okay with it. 

It was a fun way to feel happier when my friends weren't around. 

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