Monday, April 1, 2013


Nope.  That's how I feel about pretty much everything right now.


Nope to work.  Nope to food.  Nope to thoughts about him.  Nope to thoughts about his new person (who sounds fucking crazy, from things I've heard and read aha I love that I have friends who will tell me things.  And I know I shouldn't be like...finding things about her because I made wrong conclusions before but whatevs.  I don't hate her or anything.  She just sounds awful and whiny.  Which would make her perfect for him I suppose.).  Nope to sad thoughts.  Nope to everything.

But as much as I want to keep saying nope to work, I really do need to do shit today.  I'll probably sit out in my living room and try to get things done before people come over to try and do the Methods hw.

I kind of want combat boots.  Even though I only wear boots when it snows.  What.

Meh I need another week of vacation wahhhh.

./rolls around.

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