Saturday, April 20, 2013

Combat Boots (Pics)

As I said, I just did a mini-photo shoot with combat boots because I'm a fucking dork. 

I actually like the above photo the best but my shoes are cut off and that's like...the purpose of these pictures.  SO I WAS KIND OF UPSET ABOUT THAT but whatevs I guess aha. 

Because looking away from the camera is obviously WHAT COOL PEOPLE DO.  GOD. 

I have no idea why so many of my shots included the Riku-esque-hand-reaching-out pose.  No idea.  It is silly.  Also this shot got cut off at the feet.  What the hell man. 

These boots are sick and awesome AND YOU CANNOT TELL ME OTHERWISE.

I just need to break them in.  I'm not used to boots.

Also I forgot to say that I bought myself a squishable.  Got the toast.  Because for some reason I love the food ones the best. 

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