Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Midterm Results

Guess who destroyed the Game Theory midterm and got the highest grade?

That's right, this girl.

I am super happy with this.

Although, something I noticed: my perfectionism reared its ugly head after I got it back.  Because I had figured out one of the problems I was having trouble on, but afterwards, when I was at the bar.  Instead of using n as an exponent, I just multiplied my alpha by it, and I realized that was wrong later on.  So when I saw that I had figured it out, a voice in my head told me that I should have gotten that during the test because it was so obvious and makes much more sense that way and berated me a little for not getting it right away.

The good thing was that I recognized this and tried to fight off that perfectionism.  Although it is difficult, and still is (because fuck I should have gotten that fhskfdj), I'm trying to not beat myself up about it.  It is just difficult to train my mind out of a thought process I've been adhering to since I was a kid.

Going to meet up with that guy from yesterday!  I'm kind of stupid excited?  Despite being incredibly tired, due to having to stay up late to do the methods assignment yesterday.

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