Friday, April 12, 2013

I won't be able to get my jacket until Monday and now I'm super fucking unhappy because I want to go to Ursinus and see people but I still don't want to see the ex.  But even more I think I hate that I can be excited about the possibility of doing something and then all I need to hear is that he is going to be there and I feel sick and angry because fuck you why do you get to go every goddamn weekend and I can't go at all what the hell.

Of course I could just suck it up and say "fuck you I'm going anyway" and ignore him and his stupid hair and stupid girlfriend and just enjoy my time with friends that I want to see.  And I might do that because...seriously.  This isn't fair.  It isn't fair that he gets to go and have fun with people (and he certainly doesn't deserve to go and have so many people have fun with him and everything) and I stay around and miss out on stuff because he is around.

I'll think about it tonight and everything.  I wouldn't want to go until tomorrow anyway, since I should get stuff done now.

I might call my parents and ask them for their opinions.  Because...fuck.

I just wish I had my damn jacket, seriously.

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