Monday, April 15, 2013

Also, I feel happy that guy told me that I make him happy.  It was very nice to hear...because I often think that I cannot truly do that for people, because of past relationship and everything.  

And I was very appreciative when I told him some things about what went on with the ex and that is why I am cautious and skeptical about what people say when they tell me how much I mean to them and everything...and he understood.  Like...he didn't blink at all, basically.  He understood and told me that it was okay.  (Also he indulged my wanting to spite the ex by saying we should do something in particular and I laughed and it pleased me because he's not 'let's run from this issue' like I normally would be but more 'let's fucking tackle it head on and fuck that asshole.'  He did also say it was the ex's loss and his gain, which also made me laugh, aha.)

What I feel and how I act is okay.

It...really touched me.

Also, he was especially sad about the Boston bombing because that is his hometown (or it is somewhere in the vicinity) and he has friends who were running the marathon so for a while he did not know how they were and everything.  I tried to cheer him up and talk to him and just let him know that I was there for him if he needed me.  He responded to me by saying, "You might just be the most beautiful person on the inside I know right now."

And I was just...really moved by him saying that.  Really.

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