Saturday, April 6, 2013

I had a dream I would really like to just forget about, since it involved him and was more on the sad side than angry and everything and fdhjkf I fucking hate when those happen.

Basically (leaving out some deets because I'm tired as anything)...miss yous were exchanged and everything and I was just sad about him being different and gone and all and it is really upsetting to think about especially since he's off getting wasted with his new girlfriend and being a total fucking douchenozzle and toolbag and all.

I just want dreams like this to stop.

It just sucks.  That like.  I still have these thoughts about him, despite my overwhelming hatred.  And I can guarantee he doesn't pay me a second thought.

It makes me feel sick to my stomach.

I hate this.

I hate that I'm hiding in Binghamton today because I wouldn't be able to handle seeing him.


Why did I have to remember that dream.

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