Tuesday, April 2, 2013

So I think I have a date tomorrow.

A prospective was walking around with Sandy (one of our secretaries), and she brought him into the computer lab, which is where I was working.  She then told him that I was a first year, so he said he would love to sit down and talk with me, since that's where he'll be next year.

We got to talking, first about the program, and then he said something about Doctor Who.  Now, although I don't watch it (even though I want to so bad I just don't have time to get into it), I easily got his reference, and he seemed a little surprised.  I then started dropping nerdy references all over the place, and he kept telling me how awesome and cool I was because he said he never really knew anyone who was into the same stuff as him and really didn't know any girls who were into it.

It was after I said they should have shown John Stewart in the Green Lantern movie rather than Hal Jordan when he said (after commenting that he hoped it wouldn't ruin our budding friendship) if I was single.  And when I said I was he seemed super happy and later also told me that he used my being a first year as an excuse to talk to me because he thought I was really pretty and looked cool and that made me blush and stuff and gah I'm not good at taking compliments.

So instead of doing my work I was talking with him for about two hours, and it was awesome and we're going to see each other tomorrow and everything before he leaves.

And then before he left he said he was already really happy to have met me and everything and that made me smile because just before I had been going through bouts of self-loathing so it is really nice to hear that from someone I just met.

He seemed super chill and sweet and awesome so I'm excited.

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