Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I'm usually very diligent about keeping my keys on me.

Yet this is the second time within a week I left my keys in my car.  I'm going to blame it on being very tired (and also being distracted because I was choosing a song to listen to on my ipod, oops).  But Brendan said he would drive me back to my apartment (in which I'll need to hope the roommate is there and because I locked the door I'm going to need to ring the doorbell multiple times and shit dfhsdkj gah) so I could get my extra key.

Also, my leg has been really really hurting?  Like up by my hip; it feels like I may have pulled a muscle but I have no idea how, and I really don't know if that is it.  It is just really painful and I'm trying to walk normal aha.

Have weird feels today.  I might just be really fucking tired.  I need to finish my methods assignment today and call back the landlord for our house so we could possibly get together tomorrow and take care of the lease and everything.

The undergrads have a paper due next week and so they have been really poking at me to help them and stuff and I just...I don't know.  I don't have the energy.  At all.  I keep putting off responding to things and keep hoping that they won't show up to my office hours and everything.  I wish I could just say something, but that is technically my job, so I do it with little complaints.

But at the same time I wish I could just say "hey, I'm feeling especially fucking miserable today, could you guys back off and I'll take care of things tomorrow?"

I do feel guilty about it, because they have reason to complain about me if they wanted to, but I just...I'm incredibly listless when it comes to them lately.  And my own work, who am I kidding.  I need to pick it back up in these last few weeks but I just...I am feeling awful.  Thoughts of all the work I have to do coupled with thoughts of ex and both guys and the fact that I keep being a huge fucking moron and forgetting things left and right is just really.  I don't know.

Good thing is that I...think I've been eating a little bit better, actually.  Sort of.  Maybe.

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