Friday, April 26, 2013

Uncomfortable conversations with friends about money stuff and living situations and I'm now kind of bummed.  I really just wanted for us to get together and watch a movie or something but we had business to talk about and stuff.  But I didn't like some of the things that were said here and there, and so I'm kind of annoyed and sad and meh.

Plus I have a really bad headache and everything.

I'll try to read some stuff tonight so I could maybe work on other things this weekend.

I don't know.  I really don't want to do anything, but...I kind of should get some things done.

Part of me wants to arcade, but that requires I get up and drive there.

[Edit] - This might be kind of gross, and I know it is a problem, but sometimes I like the fact that I can feel my ribs and hipbones really easily.  I shouldn't like that, and many times I really don't, but on days where I just want to disappear, I like it.  I take up less space and stuff.

That's a problem.

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