Sunday, April 14, 2013

So the evening started off really well, and ended less than spectacularly.

After movie, Carl and his friend came over.  I really think his friend is a lot of fun, so that's good.  We cooked some chicken cutlets, fries, and corn and had a nice meal (which is such a change for me, aha).  Then we sat around and talked, and started playing Kings.  At first I started with just soda, and then I decided to try just one drink, because I miss actually drinking and I didn't have my meds today.  (It ended up being not a very good idea, since now my stomach hurts and it was worse before but hey...I tried.)

We were trying to get Brendan to come over, and I could tell that he wanted to probably come over, but his girlfriend didn't.  Remember when I said she was kind of getting better?  Yeah no.  That day must have been a fluke, because once again I was ignored and shit once she got here.  Basically the entire time she kind of let everyone know that she would rather be somewhere else.  She repeatedly told Carl - specifically saying his name and ignoring the fact that I exist and am part of the trio group of friends - that they should leave and go to a bar rather than stay at my place.  And this was said numerous times.  Then she got hungry and repeatedly let us know, and ignored me when I told her I had stuff and she could have that if she wanted.  But she wanted to leave to get food, and that was it.  Also let us all know that repeatedly.

And she was just super fucking obnoxious while we were playing Apples to Apples once we finished Kings and I just.  I don't know.  I just find her incredibly selfish and stuff.  Like if she's not doing what she wants to do, even if the person she's with would want to do it, she just makes it awful (I might also really dislike this trait in particular because it reminds me of the ex and everything and it just sickens me).

I don't know.  When she's around I just feel fucking awful.  I know I've used this simile before, but when she's around I just feel like a tumour and that I'm so weird and stuff.  She did at one point show me a picture of a puppy, but that was really one of the few interactions we had all night.

They ended up leaving around one and went to a bar.  I didn't want to go because I really didn't want to be around her anymore, and you know...the whole going to bars thing isn't as fun now that I can't drink.  And I tried and wasn't feeling well either so.  Yeah.  Bleh.  Probably for the best too, since I'm tired as anything now.

I've been thinking about how fun it would be to go to UC and grab friends from there and go to Hershey Park or something on a weekend.  I don't know if it is open next weekend, otherwise I'd ask about then if people were interested in going.  I'll still think about it.

I need to do Game Theory or something tomorrow.

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