Monday, April 8, 2013


Carl and I went to the mall because doing work is lame and I wanted to go see if I could find any combat boots.

It ended up with him getting new sneakers and me leaving with nothing.  Bah.

But, I did get ice cream while I was there, which is something I said I was going to do today while in session with Nancy, so that's good.  Only thing now is that I'm not...hungry at all, so making dinner might be a problem.  Oops.

I might need to suck it up and just buy boots online, and hope that they end up being okay.  I usually don't like getting footware online (with cosplay exceptions) because all shoes are different and everything an I would like to feel them out first before buying them.  But I might make an exception for these boots, because I want combat boots so bad.

Also, I stopped into Gamestop and asked about fightsticks.  Because I still do kind of want one.  It'd be something really cool to have, and if I ever wanted to try fighting games out, I could.  I've wanted to dabble in them before (and I wanted to prior to the ex also, but never really...tried them because I wasn't good at them, and then when I was with the ex I didn't want to because I felt like that was his thing and I didn't want to encroach), and a fightstick is just kind of really cool.  I don't think I want to get into the competitive scene, because I'm not that good at them and everything (and the amount of time I would have to put into it is just...way too much; I would not and never would sacrifice doing well in school for a video game), but it would be sweet to get better at them than I am, I think!  I don't know.  It was awesome when I was pretty good at Brawl.  This has been something I've been wondering about for a long time.

We'll see.  Maybe I'll wait until summer, or something.

I should do more work now, shouldn't I?

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