Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I have no idea why, but I was hit with sad feels kind of intensely all of a sudden before, and they will not go away.

Maybe it is because I'm tired or something, but I just feel like a lazy and incompetent fuckhead right now.  I don't understand the whole commitment/threat/promise thing for game theory, and not understanding something in game theory is really really incredibly frustrating.  Because I feel like if I should get any methods class kind of easily, it should be that one.  I might have to go to my professor or TA and ask for clarification, but fuck I should just get it.  Why is this particular area so difficult for me to get entirely I don't understand.

I've also just been really...unproductive.  And that sucks.  I should have done way more in the past week than I have, and I'm disappointed in myself for not doing all the things I wanted to get done.  Really.  It's just...disappointment.

And I'm talking to guy and he is cheering me up a little but I kind of also just want to tell him I'm feeling sad and whatnot.  I don't know.

When I went to the nutritionist, we came up with a slightly altered plan, just because I've been having trouble following the previous one.  She also took another blind weight, and did mention that I am underweight for my height, which I knew but...hearing that from someone else hit me.  I don't know if that makes sense.

I need to get my tick bite looked at tomorrow if I can.

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