Saturday, April 13, 2013

Movies and Music

I officially need a new CD case for my car.  I've filled up the one I bought a few months ago.  I think it holds like...70-75 cds?  So yeah, I should probably get on getting another one soon.  Maybe I can start putting things in alphabetical order?  Only problem with that is when I get a new one, I then need to push everything after that back and that's kind of annoying.  Right now, things are grouped, but not alphabetized.

Speaking of, I want to get the two Stolen Babies albums, probably off their own website.  I really like the idea of buying stuff in order to support the artists, especially when they're still somewhat underground and everything.  (I've gotten very "I won't download illegally" now not so much because I'm afraid of getting caught, but more now because I feel like I should support them in any way I can.  They play amazing stuff, so they deserve my money.)  And I know I should buy off the artist's website and not necessarily amazon.  And go to many many shows.  (Which I want to do.)  These guys are much more metal-sounding than I usually listen to, and much more screamy, but I'm liking it.  It might also have to do with the fact that I saw them live first, but they're just different from what I normally do, and I like it!

Saw Evil Dead (the remake) with Carl and his friend and it wasn't really scary?  Just kind of really gross, in my opinion.  It had a few moments of scariness, but it was kind of predictable in that it has cliched horror movie moments.  But it wasn't terrible; I did enjoy myself.  Though that might be attributed to the fact that during horror movies, I just make fun of everyone because they do some stupid fucking shit.  Carl and I probably were really annoying actually, because we made so many comments and all.  I thought it was hilarious though, so I don't care at all.  I'm only really really like that during horror movies (unless I've seen the movie before aha then it can be any of them).

I'm also the "friend who is obsessed with puppies."  That is the best description of me anyone could possibly say, in my opinion.

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