Friday, April 5, 2013

No Airband, and that is okay I suppose.  I've been much too sad anyway, so anything I wouldn't want to see would just be horrendous on me and everything.  Another time when I'm certain he will not be around will be when I go down to visit and have fun with people and just try to not think about him at all because I don't want to.

Ugh I just want to not think about him and not care if I see him at all because I know I will one day in the future at some point and I just don't want to see him ever again.

Walked around in the doggie shelter again today and I just want to take all of them home with me.  Seriously.  They're so cute and it makes me sad when they give you the sad eyes and start crying a little and hsdfjkhdskj I want to adopt one.

Hopefully we will house-hunt tomorrow.  We've been talking about doing this for a while now and still...haven't actually gone out to look at places.  We probably should get on that.

I'm tired and stuff and I don't really know entirely why I'm updating this right now because I'm not really saying anything but oh well.

Also, made a list of concerts that I want to see in the fall.  I need to pick and choose dates.  And ask people if they want to come with to any of them.  Because concerting is fun as hell.

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