Monday, April 1, 2013


So I'm back in Binghamton and instead of doing work upon getting back, Brendan and I decided to come back to my apartment and Archer and pretend like our vacation isn't actually close to being over yet.  I did a few more proposals but...I just am not back into work mode yet.  I hope I am tomorrow because I need to finish those and start the Methods work.  Bleh.  

The drive was good; we just listened to music and talked and it was good.  No traffic, though it rained pretty much the entire way there, which kind of sucked, but we got here alright and everything.

Whenever I leave home, my mom always asks if I want more stuff than she has already given me, and runs around trying to figure out what else she can give to me before I hit the road.  It's really nice and sweet and it makes me feel loved, but it has also become a little sad for me.  Like...she only really does that with me.  And every time I leave now, I feel like she wants to cry.  Because she knows.  She might not completely understand, but she knows.

She knows how I get.  She knows how stressed out I am all the time.  She knows how sad and angry I am.

I mentioned to her that I felt bad because I totally blanked on getting people Easter candy and she immediately told me not to worry about it.  When I started to protest, she insisted that no one would care, that there was enough candy around, and that it isn't something to stress over.  Even those things.  Those little things that most people probably wouldn't stress about, she knows that I will and tries to steer me in another direction.

When I left she told me to try not to stress so much.  I told her that I would try.

All of my stuff is just in the middle of my floor and I really don't want to put it away.  I could just leave it until tomorrow...

Also it was pretty sweet returning to my apartment with my roommate not home yet.   That was nice.

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