Wednesday, April 3, 2013


So I texted that guy and he came over to my apartment at around 4, and he just left, so I would call that a good evening?  Aha, I guess?

He is very nice and funny and I enjoyed hanging out with him (though he caught on super quickly that I get embarrassed and flustered really really easily so kind of ran with that a few times and bah I'm super bad at romance stuff).  Though he was very very forward?  And that's not a bad thing!  I just don't know how to respond to super forward people because I'm...not at all forward.  Basically I don't ever really admit things; I'd rather just push feelings down because that's how I am and everything.  He was a bit full of himself, but also not in a bad way?  I have no idea if that makes sense.  Plus I couldn't tell if that was an act or not, because I tend to think that people who act that way actually are not, or something.  I don't know.  I'm not a psyche person at all.

I did really enjoy myself a lot.  We talked about texting and skyping and stuff before he actually moves here in August, which is nice to think about!

The only thing is I'm honestly still unsure about anything super serious?  And I know I really don't need to think about it now, but there are many reasons why, none of which have to do with him or anything!  But that uncertainty might go away and stuff.  I don't know, really!

I should do some work now, shouldn't I.

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