Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Coding Assignment

I really sometimes fucking hate working on coding assignments with others because everyone always gets so damn miserable and doesn't want to respond to anyone else's questions and is just overall really unhappy and frustrated with the fact that we cannot figure this out and stuff.

I don't know.

Plus I kind of want them to leave so I could just relax and shit but I don't know how to actually...ask that.  I'm not good with telling people I want to be alone and thereby kicking them out of my apartment and stuff.

But for fucking serious, what the hell is going on with the last problem in this assignment.  I really would rather gouge out my own eyes than continue this.  I really have no fucking idea what to do and it is annoying and I just want to be alone and everything so I could not think about this anymore for at least an hour or so.

I know this entry is full of curses, highlighting my frustration.  Seriously.


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