Thursday, April 18, 2013


I had another ex-based dream last night which kind of really really sucked.  Basically it involved me finding pictures of him with his new person at some sort of beach celebration thing and getting really really angry because of it and all?  It was just really upsetting, I remember in the dream.  However, I had some comfort in that they both were like...super hipsters.  Holy hell were they super hipstery in this dream.  It was really really painful, actually.  And there was a video where she was running around with her guitar and playing really really bad "indie" (I use that loosely) music while topless and no one was happy and that pleased me.  Basically they were just being those guys that no one wants around.  But I was still really angry to see all that, despite these small comforts.

I don't know, it was a really strange dream.

Went to health services today to get my tick bite looked at, and it took over an hour.  I...have no idea why it took that long, but I guess I can't complain all that much, because I missed the intro lecture because of it, and it is free health care, which is always nice.

She said it doesn't look bad right now, it is just somewhat big, and to prevent any infections, she gave me some antibiotics just in case.

I'm really tired today.  Probably because I didn't fall asleep until after 1.  Oops.  But Halo is important.

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