Sunday, April 28, 2013

Gaming with Toasty

Since my real friends are still being all lame and responsible, I decided to play video games with my stuffed cuddly friends.

Dis concentration.  


Idk man I know I'm a child really don't judge me. 

Skype talkings always help cheer me up somewhat.  And things were said that made me happy and I'll need to think about stuff in terms of how I'm feeling and everything and maybe it isn't so terrible even though it still hurts a lot a lot.

Though I was not pleased when told that his girlfriend is staying at UC for summer.  Because I was going to go down there to visit and fuck you if I run into both of you, seriously.  I'm not not going to UC because of that.

At the same time I'll have my doggie, who will be visiting as well.  So at least there's that. 

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