Saturday, April 6, 2013


Hung out with Carl practically all day today, which was very nice, considering I was (and still am, truthfully) quite upset that I didn't go down for Airband.  I mean...I don't wish I went, because I had this horrible feeling that something bad would happen if I did go, because the ex is there, but...I wish more that I didn't feel affected so much still.  I wish I didn't feel like I had to actively avoid him still.  I wish I didn't feel like seeing him would kill my mood and cause me to either get really fucking upset and sad, or really fucking angry.

I want to be able to go see my friends and have fun too...

But Carl and I hung out; went to Friendly's for ice cream and then drove around for a long time, just stopping at random places.  We were going to do work but...when we got back we decided to watch Wreck-It-Ralph instead, because he hadn't seen it.  I really was not in the mood to do any sort of work today, so...I didn't.

During our travels we stopped at a few places, most notably Petsmart, where I just...browsed.  Dog beds, blankets, treats, toys, collars, etc.  There's a punkish looking brand of collars and things and I'm already very "THOSE.  I WANT THOSE," for my puppers because I want him/her to look awesome and punk and badass and everything.

Carl is now thinking about getting a cat, so I think it'd be super cool to have both a cat and a dog in the house!  We would just need to make sure that is allowed and that they get along and everything.

We also drove around the neighbourhood just...looking at houses.  We got into the estates area and they were so nice.  We said we shouldn't drive over there because it just keeps raising our standards, aha.

Been watching Adventure Time, and Lumpy Space Princess might be my favourite ever.  Seriously.

In this weird sad-but-also-happy mood right now.  Huh.

[Edit] - Watched the winning Airband performance, done by the Phi Kaps.  Good on you guys.  Good on you.  (Still think the one they did my sophomore year was the best, though :T)

[Edit 2] - I can't stop watching.

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