Wednesday, April 10, 2013


My prof took down two people whom I can't stand who were saying stupid shit and being really annoying and it is one of the many many reasons I love him.

One of them being my roommate who claimed that there is no huge difference between states that go to war and states that don't.  Prof looked at him and said that there has been 50 years of research that says otherwise and it was fantastic.  Especially since that is the roommate's field and it was just so perfect.

The other was this one guy who doesn't give two shits about the program and comes in late all the time and is just really obnoxious and everything, and basically he was saying things that weren't right and telling my prof he was wrong and finally at one point prof said, "Yes, I agree with that.  If you have different regressions, you're going to get different results."  He said it so obviously and it was just perfect and I loved it.

Also I love that I'm the person he goes to for calculus stuff.  He'll be doing a derivative or something and say, "Allison, I'm going to look to you for calculus help," and it makes me happy.

Alright, gotta pay attention again.

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