Thursday, April 4, 2013

So even though I had a super good day and evening yesterday and should have had a really good night's sleep, I had so much trouble waking up this morning and was just really lethargic and sad and I don't really know why.  I guess that just happens sometimes.

I'm in the office and really don't want to be at all.  Luckily the R workshop is cancelled for today so I can leave at around noon when my office hours end.  Which is good because I didn't bring anything to eat for lunch and didn't have anything when I got up this morning and bah.  I kind of fail at this whole eating plan thing, really.  Plus I might just want to nap.  I'm still tired.  Wah.

My counselor photocopied a chapter of a book for me that she would like me to read; I don't know what it is, but I'm going to run and pick that up from her before I leave campus today.

Thinking, thinking.

I'm supposed to hang out with that guy again today and take him to one of the local bars with some friends, maybe.  But that sounds so exhausting right now.  I mean, I want to hang with him, but going to the bar sounds eh.  I don't know.  Maybe I won't be in a funk later and everything.

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