Thursday, April 4, 2013

I'm still super tired, but I didn't nap because I don't really know why.

Going to go out to the bar later, but I don't know when exactly.  I kind of want to chill a little more and just watch It's Always Sunny (which is funny as hell omfg these people are horrid human beings) beforehand, because I'm still feeling meh and stuff.  But I am still planning on going out and everything.

The article that my counselor gave me was all about self-esteem vs. self-compassion, and discussed how those with self-esteem rather than self-compassion are very critical of themselves, and those with self-compassion are more forgiving of their faults and recognize and accept their weaknesses and don't expect so much of themselves.  There is a reward-punishment system with self-esteem, in contrast with an acceptance with self-compassion.

I would like to try and make that transition, is really difficult.

I don't think Atlantic City is happening, which is actually okay.  As much as I wanted to go and as much as I wanted to see Bouncing Souls, it makes more sense to not head down.

Though this did make me think if maybe I want to go down to UC for Airband, but...yeah.  I don't know.  I don't want to see him.  Especially since I've been feeling so sad lately.  I don't want to see him ever.  Especially not with new hipster-wannabe chick.  I'd be risking it too much.  But fuck do I want to see Airband.  And I want to see friends.  Bah.

It's probably too late anyway.  And I should probably focus on working this weekend, or something.  Maybe I can get ahead or something.  I don't know.

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