Tuesday, April 9, 2013


So I think I may have figured out these graphs and that pleases me so fucking much you have no idea.

The only thing is that for both STATA and R, I'm having some issues with the legends and everything, but I figure that is not something that is absolutely necessary to deal with right now.  I might ask my prof/my TA for help on that, but I think I'll just focus on doing the rest of the write up for the assignment.  I only need to do the hypotheses, explain them, and then interpret the regression results and then I should be done with this thing.  Aw yeah.

I do need to show a few people how to do out of sample predictions in R, however.  I told them that I would do that, so I will.  Not gonna lie, figuring that out on my own was an awesome accomplishment and I'm so pleased about that because now I know how to do it really well and it is no problem for me at all (at least for the time being aha).

My stomach is bothering me, but I brought some yoohoo to drink, so I'll do that once this lecture is over.  I love that I go to these but...don't pay attention at all.  I just do my own work.  (This is the undergrad lecture.)

I might take a look at game theory stuff tonight after I finish the methods work, which shouldn't take too much longer.

I'm going to try to not think about ex and stuff today.

New guy and I were texting until around one in the morning.  I'm going to try to think about that instead.

Also I'm really liking these boots? Wat.

[Edit] - Well I could feel my fucking heart sink when I saw her new profile picture.  Great.

Fuck both of you.

Why do I want to fucking cry this fucking sucks.

I shouldn't care.

If she's making you give up something you love...whatever.

If she yells and curses you out in front of your friends...whatever.

I don't care.

I don't care that you want to be good for her but didn't try for me.

(Except I do care.)

I'm pathetic.  And worthless.

Because even when I try and am so good to someone...that means nothing.

I feel like I'm going to be sick.

(Petty but a small comfort is holy hell that blond hair looks fucking atrocious.  Good god man, what were you on when you decided to do that.)

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