Sunday, March 10, 2013

So I thought that at one point earlier this morning my roommate got up and started being obnoxiously loud so in my sleepy state I started groaning and yelling a little from my bed and telling him to shut up and everything but now I'm completely convinced that didn't actually happen and that it was just a very vivid dream.  But hell, I might be wrong, and it might have actually happened, aha.  I can't tell anymore!  I'm really stupid when I'm sleepy.  

Lost an hour of sleep but since I made sure to go to bed really early, that's okay!  It's sad, 11:30 on a Saturday night, and instead of doing anything really fun I decided to lay down and watch some tv and then go to bed.  Grad school has really gotten to me.  I was far too tired to even think about doing anything else.

I might stay out in my living room again today and do work.  I was much more productive sitting out there than I usually am while lying in my bed, which...I guess makes complete sense.

Last night I made a to-do list for today and I'm kind of hoping I'll get to a decent amount of what I have to do.  Also, I think in an hour or so I'll make a run to Target or something, because I'm out of soda and yoohoo and I want ice cream.

I'm healthy as fuck, man.

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