Saturday, March 23, 2013

So the first day of vacation has been awesome.

Brendan and I first ran to Target and got some more junk food and stuff.  And while we were there we picked up some more stuff for the puppers at the shelter I want to work at.  Unfortunately when we went, they were closed.  It is closed on the weekends, so we won't be able to give our stuff to them until we come back from break, which is a little sad.  I wanted to bring stuff in today especially since it is puppy day!  But maybe I can get even more stuff on the Island, or something!  I just want to bring them so many things.

We then went to the arcade and played for a little!  We actually beat House of the Dead, which neither have us have ever done before and my god it felt like such an accomplishment.  Then Marvel v. Capcom and Sinistar were played before returning back to my apartment for an evening full of Archer and Pokemon.  Seriously, it was fantastic.  We also looked up some houses and apartments for us to possibly visit when we get back; we just need to set some things up!

But yeah, I didn't eat dinner but...I did eat.  A lot of junk food, so I guess it is okay?  Ahaha.  Chips and dip and Buncha Crunch were the main things.  I am so full even though I really should have had real food.  But he and I said even yesterday that we were just gonna laze out and eat stuff that was really bad for us because dammit we've worked super hard all semester and we deserve it!

I've been evolving a shit ton of people in Pokemon White.  And hatching a lot of eggs.  Though I need to poke at someone who has Black version so I can trade with them.  Or pressure a friend into buying it.  I should get White 2 or Black 2, also.  We'll see.  I still want that leather jacket, too.

We're hoping to leave by noon tomorrow for the Island.  He's going to drive, since we took Cornelius last time.

I did have some moments of sad/anger when I was driving to pick him up because I thought of the person I think about way too much (certainly more than he deserves) but all thoughts of him disappeared while I was hanging and it was awesome.  Now if that can happen to the point where I actually have a full day where I don't think about him at all, that would be fantastic.  Because I would really really like that.  Sadly, I haven't had that.  Since the day we sat outside Dairy Queen and ate ice cream, I haven't had a day where I don't think about him.  It is kind of pathetic, really.

But nope, no sad feels right now!  Still happy with the day.  Not even thoughts of him can make me sad at the moment!  That's how awesome things were today.

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